Why Prednisone is impossible in pregnant patients?

Pregnancy is the happiest period in life of every woman, however it is at the same time the most dangerous and nervous. Unfortunately pregnancy does not protect the body of catching other diseases but during this period the health of the babe directly depends on the well being of the mother. Taking care about your health is of vital importance during planning pregnancy.

Sometimes it happens that pregnancy provokes latent diseases and infections activation which need urgent medications as may severely harm an unborn baby. During pregnancy many remedies are impossible as may affect the development of a baby and cause some serious deviations. Pregnancy is not a point of drug challenge and needs physician consultation.

Prednisone is a prodrug belonging to a class of corticosteroids and used for treating some serious illnesses. Due to the drug being pluripotential it is used for treating inflammatory diseases, different types of cancers being a supplementary remedy, tuberculosis, asthmas, colitis and others. However there are cases when prednisone is the single choice on the list of possible medications to cure the disease.

Prednisone performs different effect on an unborn child if taken by a pregnant woman in different weeks of pregnancy. Thus, if Prednisone treatment is within first 13 weeks of pregnancy in most cases it results into cleft lip, premature delivery or low weight of the baby. However each case is rather specific and no one can predict the consequences of taking Prednisone and its final affect on an unborn child.

Some therapists and obstetricians as well as pediatricians strictly forbid Prednisone trying to find other ways of coping with diseases.
Besides prednisone performs severe side effects which can be unbearable for a pregnant woman. Minor side effects include nausea, vomiting, headaches, rash, increased appetite, hyperactivity and nervousness. All of these factors are unwanted for a pregnant woman, however most of them are equal to those symptoms a woman experiences during her first trimester of pregnancy when feeling toxemia (all the period of pregnancy) or morning thickness (usually present during first trimester of the pregnancy).

The main issue is that the remedy was not tested and there are no proven results of Prednisone. Animal tests have shown the fetal harm. Women who had no other way but Prednisone treatment were noticed to deliver babies earlier of with some physical deviations.

To eliminate all the harm to a baby when being prednisone treated take care of your health and the life of your future baby and use oral contraceptives to escape the pregnancy in this period. Mind that Prednisone performs long lasting effect in your body. You should consult with your physician on the issue of baby planning after Prednisone treatment. Do not challenge your happy future with your healthy child!